Rotary Ultra Marathon 2024

50km Rotaract Team Relay (4- 10pax)

The information provided by the participants is mainly used to identify users or participants, proceeding administration work related to registrant, insurance purchasing and claiming and other purposes. Please ensure that all information provided is accurate. If you have any inquiries about the use of personal data, please visit the event website for more information.


Enter your team name or select a team from the existing list

Each team consists of 4 - 10 members. All members must be 18 years old or above.

All teams must submit a complete list of team members to the Organizer ON or BEFORE 1st November 2024. Late submission WILL NOT be accepted!

Please click HERE to download the "Team Members Registration Form


To make an additional donation to support the Yan Chai Hospital Youth and Child Care Services (Please select "Yan Chai Social Services Fund")

Please visit


I / We duly agree to and confirm the Terms and Conditions and the Use of Personal Data listed at the “Rotary Hong Kong Ultramarathon 2024 (Greater Bay Hong Kong)” official website and Registry's Privacy Clause, with regard to both my / our personal information being passed to Rotary Hong Kong and authorized service providers for purposes stated in the Use of Personal Data.